Yay! I finally finished up my holiday decorating and thought I'd share a few photos. This little crystal pine tree took me forever to assemble. It's loaded with teeny tiny mercury glass ornaments! I love the way it looks under this glass dome. The silver plate is from a local thrift shop and fits perfectly.
A big thanks to Joan over at
Anything Goes Here for hosting such a fantastic blog party! Be sure to check out all of the other amazing blogs participating in vintage christmas monday

I've been collecting vintage christmas ornaments as long as I can remember. These mercury glass shiny brites are some of my favorites.

I get so excited each year when it's time to unpack all the boxes of ornaments. It's like seeing them for the first time ... every time.

Instead of hanging them on the tree this year, I decided to group these ornaments together in vintage silver bowls. They make me smile every time I walk by.

My big white tree is filled with ornaments I made out of antique book pages and vintage sheet music. I found a box of old vocabulary flash cards at an estate sale and I think they look just lovely on the tree - "twinkle" & "twirl" are my favorites! The tissue paper flowers are made out of vintage dress patterns and the little red glass birds add some sparkle and fun.

I had some extra aluminum tree branches so I made a little centerpiece out of this old tea pot and a bunch of old mercury glass picks.

I found this vintage 3 ft. aluminum tree with pom pom ends several years ago at an estate sale and it's the first thing I bring out each year. It sits right inside my front door where the ornaments can swing in the breeze. The old green iron tree stand is from a flea market in Holland - every time I walk by it reminds me of how much I truly love to travel.

I picked up the vintage cardboard Santa last weekend - a lucky find for $1.00!

More old mercury glass ornaments! If I display them in glass jars ... am I less likely to break them? I hope so ...

A few vintage mercury glass tree toppers are displayed on the mantle. I made the garland out of old sheet music. That does it for this week - more vintage christmas photos next monday!